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Advertise on mashDATA.com
Promote your Company Brands, Products, or Services.
mashDATA offers multiple ways to build your brand and get your message to our audience. Ad buys are sold on 30 day periods using PayPal subscription service. Ads will auto renew every 30 days unless you cancel the subscription.
mashDATA Ads options:
300 × 250 Embedded Ad Sponsorship
The 300×250 ad is embedded into TOP RIGHT CORNER of mashDATA front page. Your ad will go in rotation with FIVE other banners. You may purchase more rotation if you wish your ad to show up more often - buy FIVE rotations and you’ll own the entire ad spot. Price per rotation is $50 per month.
If you’re interested in securing a 300×250 Embedded sponsorship ad, email your ad to mashdata@yahoo.com, and pay using the PayPal button below.
Clients Note:
All Sponsors are responsible for their contents and Banner design.
We offer banner type design with additional charge. Let us know if you need the additional service on your email. Thank you, in advanced for your business!