September 29, 2009
Previously unknown Goddess of Love?
Konica Minolta used a laser to gather Venus de Milo statue and re-imagine with 3D Non-Contact Digitizing Instruments technology to let user experience what it would be like if the Goddess of Love have arms! Watch video here.

September 28, 2009
Who will win $25 million in the Google Lunar X Prize?
Astrobotic Technology?
Many issue must be resolved prior to May 2011 launch date. Such as, how robots will overcome Noon temperature? At noon the equator is hotter than boiling water: 270 degrees F?
And how the robots will overcome Night temperature? At night, the temperature is minus 240 degree F! Almost as cold as liquid nitrogen! Learn More.

Many issue must be resolved prior to May 2011 launch date. Such as, how robots will overcome Noon temperature? At noon the equator is hotter than boiling water: 270 degrees F?
And how the robots will overcome Night temperature? At night, the temperature is minus 240 degree F! Almost as cold as liquid nitrogen! Learn More.

September 26, 2009
September 25, 2009
Augmented reality + iPhone = Bionic Eye?

September 24, 2009
Certified LEGO Professional?

Sean has about 1.25 million LEGO pieces.
The biggest LEGO sculpture Sean ever made weighed 400 pounds.
His favorite piece is the "1x1 headlight brick". (You can use it three ways!)
Growing up, the LEGO set Sean wanted most was the Cargo Center. (He never got it.)
Sean tells people he is really only 12 years old. (But his bald spot is starting to give him away.) Explore More. Sean Kenney
Healthcare US : Pay most and Die youngest?

With all the news about Heathcare Reform in America. One could only wonder what other countries such as UK, France, and Singapore stack up in terms of expenditure on health % GDP, expenditure on health per capita US$, expenditure from private sector, infant mortality per 1,000 live births, and life expectancy at birth? Why American paid the most and have the shortest life expectancy?
September 22, 2009
80 High performance cores and 1TB memory?
SGI returning from the dead? Yes! they just released a personal super computer Octane III for $8,000!!! A typical workstation has only eight cores and moderate memory capacity, the superior design of the Octane III permits up to 80 high-performance cores and nearly 1TB of memory for unparalleled performance. Learn More SGI Octane III

September 21, 2009
Apple Keynote 2009 in 25 words?
- great
- wonderful
- remarkable
- really nice
- really well
- really easy
- better
- and better
- smarter
- and smarter
- awsome
- really wonderful
- really fast
- really cool
- amazing
- really outstanding
- is that easy
- just as easy
- fantastic
- priceless
- so beautiful
- absolute incredible
- unbelievable
- absolute gorgeous
- stunning
September 20, 2009
25 Feet Hopping Robot?

Boston Dynamics is awarded to develop the 25 feet hopper robot with a 12-month design phase followed by a six-month build phase, with testing and delivery planned for late 2010.
The hopper is a shoebox-sized, GPS-guided, unmanned ground robots. Many application can be apply for the hopper such as used in law enforcement, homeland security, search and rescue applications in challenging terrain and in planetary exploration. Learn more. Sandia National Labs
September 17, 2009
Mobile + Social + Games = Toybots?

Toybots recently introduced a platform for connected toys with full 3G, WiFi, GPS and accelerometer capabilities tied to online and mobile games. Here is the technology behind it...
+ GPS to refresh content based on location
+ 3G and GPRS to accept new content and send reactions back to virtual world
+ Touch sensors on head, neck and back to react to play
+ Accelerometer which allows toy to become controller
+ Animatronic eyes and mouth that move with content
watch the SGN demo below...
September 15, 2009
How crop circle are made?
Well wonder no more, because the National Geographic News posted a few videos to explain the mysterious art and alien form depend on your perspective.

September 14, 2009
Light and Shadow or Measurable and Unmeasurable?
Here is a breathless CG Shortfilm about Louis Kahn's Phillips Exeter Academy Library by Alex Roman.
Footage from "The Third & The Seventh" project for illustrating Mundos Digitales 2009 conference.
Done with 3dsmax, Vray, AE and Premiere.
September 12, 2009
Store your life, forever?

Got too much Data? Now anyone can store their movies, music, photos, and important digital document with the Swiss DNA Bank for a small fee. They claim your Data will be store in Swiss nuclear-proof shelters! Learn more Swiss DNA Bank
September 10, 2009

Tony Quan
To write is normal for everyone unless you hit with ALS or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a form of motor neuro disease. Anyone with ALS can be completely physically paralyze. In the case of Tony Quan a graffiti writer was diagnosed with ALS in 2003. Tony was very fortunate to have members of the GRL, FAT, OF and TEG communities from Los Angeles, Caifornia to developed the "EyeWriter". Now Tony can go back to what he like best to Write with his eye!
tempt writes tempt from thesystemis on Vimeo.
September 9, 2009
Pedal Power?

With the increase of mobile and portable device usage all around the globe soon or later we all wish we can have unlimited power for all devices. Dahon will introduce the BioLogic FreeCharge, a device that connects to any dyno hub on the market to charge your iPod, iPhone, GPS unit, or other small electronic item through a USB port. Mark your calander will be available March 2010 for $99!
Learn more. BioLogic FreeCharge
September 7, 2009
Why you should grow your own FOOD?
Read and Learn More HereWeGrow

September 6, 2009
September 5, 2009
Flowcharts for Troubleshooting?
From Sony to IBM to eMachines to Gateway to Dell to HP, Morris Rosenthal series of Flowcharts will be extremely helpful for troubleshooting your tech world! Check it out some sample below!

Motherboard, CPU, RAM Diagnostics
Network Troubleshooting Flowchart
Boot Failure Troubleshooting Flowchart

Motherboard, CPU, RAM Diagnostics
Network Troubleshooting Flowchart
Boot Failure Troubleshooting Flowchart
September 1, 2009
Who will prevail Mickey Mouse vs. Wolverine?
Mickey Mouse is now Mouserine, Micyclops, and Iron Mouse thanks to Disney recent $4 Billons Dollar offer to Mr. Stan Lee for Marvel! Read More

Mouserine by Khary Randolph

Micyclops by Raheight

Iron Mouse by RadioMaestra

Mouserine by Khary Randolph

Micyclops by Raheight

Iron Mouse by RadioMaestra
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- Previously unknown Goddess of Love?
- Who will win $25 million in the Google Lunar X Prize?
- Defensive Dress?
- Augmented reality + iPhone = Bionic Eye?
- Certified LEGO Professional?
- Healthcare US : Pay most and Die youngest?
- 80 High performance cores and 1TB memory?
- Apple Keynote 2009 in 25 words?
- 25 Feet Hopping Robot?
- Mobile + Social + Games = Toybots?
- How crop circle are made?
- Light and Shadow or Measurable and Unmeasurable?
- Store your life, forever?
- EyeWriter?
- Pedal Power?
- Why you should grow your own FOOD?
- What's Phasma?
- Flowcharts for Troubleshooting?
- Who will prevail Mickey Mouse vs. Wolverine?